The canals of the Lille region and their unexpected treasures  

The Lille region is surrounded by water, which is, by the way, the origin of the city's name.

The Deûle is a canalized river in the so-called "Grand Canal." As a tributary of the Scheldt, the city of Lille has developed around it.

Many would think that such a seemingly dirty environment at first glance harbors few fish, but fortunately, that is not the case!

It was a paradise for coarse fishing. Even though this style of fishing seems to be losing importance due to the strong population of gobys, predatory fishermen have been able to benefit from this invasion to see predatory fish populations explode and reach impressive sizes!

Aujourd'hui, il n'est pas rare de prendre une dizaine de sandres ou plusieurs perches de plus de 40 centimètres dans une sortie. La pêche peut y être déstabilisante, car cesRetrouvez ici le reportage "Les secrets de la Deûle", sans explication mais les images suffisent à entrevoir la biodiversité de ce milieu pas comme les autres. milieux très linéaires sont difficiles à lire pour celui qui découvre le secteur ou débute la pêche. 

It is an ideal opportunity for people living in urban areas to take a nature break in the middle of the city on an outing with me while also learning effective fishing! Great catches can be made here.

You will find here the report "The Secrets of the Deûle", without explanation, but the pictures provide insight into the biodiversity of this unusual environment.

Reportage "les secrets de la Deûle"

I also fish in the Lys, another canalized river that can experience flooding, unlike the Deûle, where water level fluctuations are low. As a river angler primarily, I am delighted to catch these pikeperch living in flowing water, which are very aggressive and combative.

A beautiful vampire of the canals of the North, with a lure neatly in its place!

Having grown up less than a kilometer from the Deûle, I started fishing there at the age of 8. So, I have witnessed the development of fishing while improving myself. I would be happy to show you my way of fishing this habitat, which is based on reading the water and understanding the behavior of fish, predators, and prey! Additionally, I will take the time to correct your technique and guide you to the "hot spots" that I know like the back of my hand.

Remember: A day with a fishing guide equals several years of fishing experience and saves you a lot of money by avoiding unnecessary expenses and not wasting your fishing time!

This is especially true for pikeperch fishing in these canalized environments...

An enormous perch... yet it's a common size in the area!